What a great month it's been for the garden - lots of lovely sunshine and plenty of rain too - with the end result being that our first attempt at growing our own veggies is so far proving to be a huge success. My colleague Guy Watson of
Riverford Organic would be proud of me!
We have an abundance of produce in various different stages of growth - spuds, tomatoes, radish (all munched, more on their way), lettuce, spring onions, broccoli, carrots, butternut squash, chillies, peppers and all sorts of different herbs in pots.
And last night was a cause for celebration - I enjoyed my first meal from the garden! How healthy I felt as I sat down to a delicious salad of Cos lettuce, spring onions, basil, coriander and hot Pink Fur Apple potatoes (with some tomatoes from Morrisons thrown in), all lovingly assembled by my 10 year old son who has long been someting of a gourmet but until last week showed no interest in learning cooking skills from his chef dad - suddenly after making scones at school he wants to do everything. Didn't he do a cracking job plating up my salad - and serving it with a glass of chilled water in a champagne flute?!